
Vangbalstraat #1 Paramaribo,Suriname

People, society and social policy

The second pillar of the CSR strategy, and at least as important is people and their place in society. Our employees are specialized in professional teamwork and cooperation that is expressed in specific professional knowledge and the priority to achieve quality requirements through mutual cooperation. The activities are carried out in accordance with the international FSCC 22000 standards. To be able to continue to guarantee this, Sure beef N.V. offers internal and external training to their employees and contributes to the financing of further training and further training. Sure beef N.V. believes in the transfer of knowledge and therefore also receives school classes at MBO level who want to see and learn the practice for guided tours. There are also strong links with various institutes at higher vocational education level. We also accommodate interns from universities of applied sciences to gain their practical experience with us.

Sure beef N.V. gives daily work to 37 people, which is good to feed 148 mouths.
The economy does not only support the financial world. Necessary social changes also depend to a large extent on the financial strength of society. We therefore give our people a 13th month’s salary, and the employees are also eligible (after screening their application) for corporate loans with a soft interest rate. The employee of the month system also gives them a financial reward. The employees are all insured against health insurance, which is paid 100% by the company, and also for their family members.

Our company employs people from all kinds of different cultures, races and backgrounds. We stand for equal opportunities, from application to promotion. Only the capacity of people is leading in the assessment, not their mother tongue, religion, gender or cultural background. When it comes to a vacancy, we always believe in first giving people from within the opportunity to grow if possible and only then to let an open vacancy go out.

We all spend a lot of time at work. Safety, trust, job satisfaction and a minimum of stress are therefore important points of attention. Respect for each other is central here, as is standing behind the company’s objectives together. Working conditions that guarantee physical safety and avoid psychological problems that can arise from intimidation, discrimination, bullying, miscommunication, etc. are of the highest priority for us.

Sure beef N.V. also spends part of its turnover on charities in addition to requesting smaller neighborhood donations. The institutions, police, etc. are also being considered to support social causes in order of application.


Information provision to stakeholders comes in various types, our company operates in a “difficult” industry. More and more we hear about how bad eating meat is, how bad it is for our environment, how much CO2 is generated by livestock farming and so on. Unfairly? Of course not! That is why Sure beef N.V. participates in influencing opinion formation about meat consumption in Suriname. We use our website and social media such as our Facebook page, Instagram and our app groups with the various stakeholders.